Education, training, volunteering & employment opportunities

At Brighten The Corners our education and training programmes are central to everything we do.

We firmly believe that music and the arts have the power to transform lives, and we are dedicated to harnessing this potential through wide-ranging, hands-on training and volunteering opportunities.

Our programmes are designed to provide young people with practical experience in the live music industry, setting them on a path to meaningful employment. Through our well-structured education and training projects, we engage young people and marginalised communities, enhancing their skills and encouraging participation in learning and volunteering.

Through music, podcasting, media, and event production, we offer real-world opportunities across our venues and festivals. Our goal is to make the arts accessible to all, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment within the community.

From free music lessons to creative workshops, our programmes are crafted to build skills, confidence, and a lifelong passion for the arts. While our doors are open to everyone, we place a particular emphasis on reaching young people, marginalised groups, and those facing barriers to education. 

Brighten The Corners is dedicated to amplifying the voices of marginalised individuals and communities through our diverse range of artistic and educational projects. We are committed to supporting both young people and adults, helping them to thrive regardless of their race, socio-economic status, mental health challenges, or physical disabilities.

Projects & Opportunities


We have volunteer opportunities throughout the year across our three venues and annual music festival, with training in sound, lighting, media, event management and customer facing roles available.

Tune Up

Live music events & industry project for young people aged 16-25 wanting to learn more about behind the scenes at events, with hands-on experience and industry guests.

New Gen

Exploring and developing skills in music production, radio, performance and more by bringing together like-minded young people to develop their talents outside their comfort zone.